Original Camelina Oil
Nice light oil, great for salad dressing and cooking with
La distribution facile à partir du bec en fait un article essentiel pour chaque cuisine, grande ou petite ! Un très bon rapport qualité-prix, notre sac dans une boîte ne coûte que 18,00 $ le litre.
Sans noix ni arachides, sans gluten, casher, végétalien et bien plus encore
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Nice light oil, great for salad dressing and cooking with
I am so happy to finally found camelina oil which is proudly made in Canada. This is my returning purchase so I decided to go for the 5L version to enjoy more. Good discount too! Thank you Three Farmers!
A little awkward to store but love the product. Does the oil need to be stored in an airtight container?
Hi David, We recommend keeping the 5L box in the box and using the spout that it came with (you might have to take it out of the box to ensure the spout comes out the side). If kept at room temp and stored out of the sun it should be shelf table for 2 years.